Friday, December 13, 2013

What can be made from recycled steel cans?

Did you know!!!!

  • You can make 20 cans out of recycled material with the same amount of energy it takes to make 1 new one.
  • The steel from the more than 39 million appliances recycled last year yielded enough steel to build about 160 stadiums the size of the new Pittsburgh Steelers stadium.
  • Recycled steel cans can make bicycle and car parts, steel beams and different appliances.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How is Steel Recycled?

Did you know!!!!

  • Magnetic Separation: Because steel is attracted to magnets, it can be easily separated from other recyclables like paper in a recycling facility with magnetic belts. Different kinds of steel do not need to be separated out.
  • Detinning: Many steel cans will have a layer of tin on them, which will be removed since tin is recycled on its own. This is usually done by a specialized steel company, such as a steel mill or a scrap dealer.
  • Melting: The steel cans, appliances and scrap are placed together in a furnace for the purpose of melting them down. The melted steel is then poured into casters and rolled into flat sheets.
  • Reformation: Once the steel is in sheet form, it can be molded into products such as new steel cans, car parts or construction materials. Steel can be recycled infinitely without losing its strength or quality.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Benefits of recycling steel cans.

Did you know!!!

  • Recycling tin and steel cans saves between 60-74% of the energy used to produce them from raw materials.
  • Every ton of steel recycled saves 2,500 lbs. of iron ore, 1,400 lbs. of coal and 120 lbs. of limestone.
  • Annually, enough energy is saved by recycling steel to supply Los Angeles with electricity for almost 10 years.  

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The History of Steel cans

Did you know!!!

  • The tin canning process was allegedly developed by Frenchman Philipee de Girard, who came to London and used British merchant Peter Durand as an agent to patent his own idea in 1810.
  • In 1812 he sold his patent to two Englishmen, Bryan Donkin and John Hall, who refined the process and product, and set up the world's first commercial canning factory on Southwark Park Road, London, and by 1813 were producing their first canned goods for the Royal Navy.
  • In 1901, the American Can Company was founded which, at the time, produced 90% of United States tin cans.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Monday, December 9, 2013

What is steel cans made of?

Did you know!!!

  • A steel can is a container for the distribution or storage of goods, composed of thin metal
  • Steel cans are made of tinplate (tin-coated steel) or tin-free steel.
             Tinning is the process of thinly coating sheets of wrought iron or steel with tin, and the              resulting product is known as tinplate. It is most often used to prevent rust.

             Wrought iron a pure form of iron having a low carbon content and a fibrous micro                       structure
             Steel is an alloy of iron and a small amount of carbon.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Friday, November 8, 2013

How quickly a recycled can can return to stores.

                                                                                  Did you know!!!!

  • Making new aluminum cans from used cans takes 95 percent less energy than using virgin materials.
  • The aluminum beverage can returns to the grocer's shelf as a new, filled can in as little as 90 days after collection, remelting, rolling, manufacturing and distribution.

Gabriel and Sons Recycling

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Energy savings as a result of recycling Aluminum Cans

Did You Know!!!

  • Recycling one aluminum beverage can saves enough energy to run a 100-watt bulb for 20 hours,a computer or a TV for 2 hours.
  • Recycling 125 aluminum cans saves enough energy to power one home for 1 day.

  • Gabriel and Sons Recycling

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